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Jinlong Wu (Principal Investigator)

Virginia Tech

Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering (2018)

Southeast University, China

M.S., Power Engineering (2014)

Southeast University, China

B.S., Thermal Energy and Power Engineering (2011)


Group Members

Chuanqi Chen (Ph.D. Student, 2022 Fall - )


Georgia Institute of Technology

M.S., Industrial System Engineering (2022)

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

B.S., Statistics (2019, minor in Mathematics)

“I enjoy reading, thinking and sharing. I could play basketball, table tennis and badminton. I like history, culture, art, literature, and philosophy. Thank you for spending time reading this, and I am willing to be friend with you.”  -- Chuanqi

Huchen Yang (Ph.D. Student, 2023 Fall - )


Tongji University

M.S., Civil Engineering (2023)

Tongji University

B.S., Civil Engineering (2020, minor in Mathematics)

“Here is the sentence I like the utmost and I would like to share with you: There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. (Hamlet 1.5)”  -- Huchen

Xinghao Dong (Ph.D. Student, 2023 Fall - )


University of California, Los Angeles

B.S., Applied Mathematics (2023)

“My passion for mathematics drives me to seek out new challenges and explore uncharted territories. I am dedicated to making foundational advancements in the theory, methods, and algorithms of SciML and generative AI, with a focus on solving real-world societal challenges.”  -- Xinghao


Hangchuan Hu (PhD student at Johns Hopkins University)


University of Wisconsin-Madison

​Undergraduate research at AIMS Lab (2023 Spring)

Visiting International Student (2022-2023)

Xi’an Jiaotong University

Major: Engineering Mechanics (2020-2024)

“In my spare time, I enjoy biking and train rides, with music from 1960s-1980s. I also watch documentaries of nature and space explorations.”  -- Hangchuan

Artificial Intelligence for Modeling and Simulation (AIMS) Lab

Department of Mechanical Engineering

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